Dear Ms. Corporate Manners,
I work in an open office environment next to a loud co-worker. When will people ever learn to be quiet in their cubes?
Tired of Bad Behavior
Dear Bad,
True confession. My voice carries, and I often become so caught up in work, I forget to tone it down. I’m just hoping you aren’t MY co-worker! But that won’t stop me from offering advice anyway.
There’s nothing wrong with reminding someone like me to be quiet or retreating to the conference room for a private meeting or conversation. You’ll be less frustrated and find it easier to concentrate.
Speaking of concentrating, the best employees get into a flow at work, becoming productive and engaged. Challenge yourself to tune out distractions and have a razor focus on your work.
Nix the speakerphone and don’t forget, because there isn’t a door to close, to ask if it’s a convenient time before you walk into someone’s cubicle unannounced or talk over the wall. Also, in an open office, it’s easy to eavesdrop unintentionally on conversations, but if you learn to tune them out, you’ll be a more popular co-worker.
Ms. Corporate (and somewhat loud) Manners